Information must be your company's greatest asset. No matter where it is stored, in files, IT systems or just in the heads of your staff, it needs to be safeguarded so that your company can continue to function regardless of the incident.

Business Continuity is a key area for any company to consider. It does not need to be either expensive or complicated but without it, the unexpected problems affecting your company could be devastating. With considerable experience of writing and testing Business Continuity Plans and the system contingency plans on which they rely, KFS Consulting could help you to ensure your business survives the next flood, fire or strike.

A British Standard (BS 7799 is now an international standard) has now been established, ISO 17799, and this addresses all the issues related to information security. Assistance and advice to achieve the ISO 17799 certification or auditing of an existing quality system can be provided.

With E-commerce becoming more common, you may be required to trust or be trusted by others in the supply chain. This standard is one method of proving your capacity to deal effectively with what could be very sensitive and valuable information. It is widely accepted that, before too long, this standard will be the yardstick by which UK companies are judged. For those wishing to trade with the blue chip companies, they will need to show this level of awareness of their information security.

There is now a lot of legislation which requires companies to take care not only of their information but also to monitor the activities of its employees. Contravention of the laws on libel, copyright, data protection and other related areas could result in severe punishment including unlimited fines and imprisonment. Those held responsible could be the Board or Directors of a company as well as the individual employees.